Weddings - providers with a very good service

Corrine Smith Design
Specialists in wedding jewellery and bridal accessories offering a wide collection of handcrafted wedding tiaras, headbands, hair accessories and vintage tiaras. Products are distributed online, or instore at their boutique in Kilmarnock, Scotland
- Corrine Smith Design was named Winner - VOWS Award for Bridal Accessories in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 - (VOWS - Voted outstanding wedding supplier) - 5 years in a row!
- We have received great customer reviews about Corrine Smith Design service - click here
- Visit Corrine Smith Design Customer Service Plus page >>

Offering advice, inspiration and products for mothers and girls preparing weddings and other key celebrations
- Best Wedding Stationery - Wedding Ideas Awards 2009
- Best Wedding Website - BT Online Excellence Awards 2007
- Winner for Special Touches - The Wedding Ideas Awards 2011 and 2010 - Wedding Ideas Magazine

Not on the High Street - wedding lists
A collection of products designed, made or assembled by small outfits in the UK and which are often only available in back-street boutiques, village markets and fairs. Can be the source of many ideas for wedding gifts and wedding lists
- Announced as the winner of the award for Best Wedding Details - The Perfect Wedding Awards 2011
- Voted the Best Gift List for 2012 - The Wedding Idea Awards 2012